File: IOSFile.tar
Size: 2505087 byte(s)
Generated at: 2020-08-28T01:27:51Z
Open File... OK! (in 0ms)
Parse Archive started
Read Block... OK! (in 23ms)
Block is end block? No
Parse entry header started
File name: 100_326_256_png.tar
File mode: 420
Owner ID: 0
Group ID: 0
File size: 163840
Modification time: 2020-08-26T18:37:51
Checksum: 012101
File type: 0
Linked file name:
Parse entry header succeeded in 5ms.
Parse UStar header started
UStar indicator: ustar
Version: 0
Owner user name:
Owner group name:
Device major: 0
Device minor: 0
Filename prefix:
Parse UStar header succeeded in 1ms.
Skip Content... OK! (in 0ms)
Read Block... OK! (in 0ms)
Block is end block? No
Parse entry header started
File name: 78_326_256_png.tar
File mode: <empty>
Owner ID: <empty>
Group ID: 6
File size: Invalid! 34 34 20 00 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 00
FormatException: Additional non-parsable characters are at the end of the string.
Modification time: Invalid! 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 00 30 30 30 30
FormatException: Additional non-parsable characters are at the end of the string.
Checksum: 0264000
File type: 1
Linked file name: 3721525777 012046 0
Parse entry header succeeded in 25ms.
Parse UStar header started
UStar indicator:
UStar indicator not found, skipping!
Parse UStar header succeeded in 0ms.
Error while running job: System.Exception: Cannot seek to next entry, since the previous entry didn't contain a valid size
at ArchiveDiag.TarArchiveDiagRunner.ParseArchive(System.IO.Stream archiveStream) in C:\dev\SharpZipLib\cr\ArchiveDiag\TarArchiveDiagRunner.cs:51
at ArchiveDiag.ArchiveDiagRunner.$Func<Run>b__32_1() in C:\dev\SharpZipLib\cr\ArchiveDiag\ArchiveDiagRunner.cs:76
at ConLib.PrettyConsole.DoChore(System.String name, System.Action action, System.Boolean continueOnFail)
Parse Archive failed